Friday, January 29, 2010

Pictures of Fun Stuff I've done!

These are just a few pictures of place's I've gone, people I know of both family and friends! Enjoy!

EVE Event in Salt Lake, this is an a show of Graffiti Art.

My silly roomates; Hannah and Tara! Aug'09-May '10

Salt Lake Temple from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

Fabian, one of my cute nephews! We were at Chuck'E'Cheese! Where a kid could be a kid! was fun! =)

His younger brother and the newest addition to the family! Santiago! Cute, huh??

I was at the Museum of Ancient Life. The biggest Dinosaur Museum in the State of Utah! Its pretty awesome!

1 comment:

elegyrl said...

Veronica watch out! You're about to be eaten by a shark! Sheesh!